Saturday, April 4, 2009

Inaugeral Post!!

Hello Friends!

I must begin by stating that this is my first foray into the realm of blogging. Although I am usually on the cutting edge of all things on the cutting edge, I am severely lacking in the area of blogging. I think it is my lifelong battle of diary keeping. I buy them over and over because they are pretty, but only get 2 pages filled in them and then I am done. And as many thoughts and ideas and opinions I have in this brain, it's a wonder how I have made it to the ripe old age of 30, and not imploded, or climbed a clock tower for that matter.

But no more. No more internalizing. No more actually standing on a soap box. I have decided to turn this corner in my life and take on the mania going on in my mind; I will share all these things with you wonderful (and now suspiciously reading) people. Now don't panic: My posts will not all be ramblings of a woman PMSing. Only once a month, maybe, but not too often.

I harbor much deeper and dark secrets: I am an undercover nerd. I am serious. I enjoy researching and writing articles on all subject matter. I do advanced mathematics for relaxation and to cure my writer's block. I read the news incessantlyand keep atop of what's going on in our world. I will kick your ass in both God of War and Scrabble (seriously, I will). I can have equally deep conversations about climate change and the importance of every woman to know how to work her one asset with panache. It is this myriad of thoughts, hobbies and interests that you will find in this blog.

Now, yes, this is my blog for me to lord over as I see fit; but what's the fun in that? I implore all of you to please participate here. Read my posts. Participate in the polls. Intelligently and passionately comment on the posts; feel free to agree or disagree. All I ask that all postings remain pertinent and tasefully posted, as there is zero tolerance for offensive and bigoted posting; unless that happens to be the topic of choice. Here, having an open mind and objectivity is a necessity. There will be things here that will challenge what you think you know, and force you to think outside the box. So be prepared.

Thank you for stopping by. I hope you won't be a stranger...

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